Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Future of Publishing?

Are printed books a luxury? It's a scary question for those of us who put them together, but one we may not be able avoid as the world's resources become increasingly spare. IF:Book is a Macarthur Foundation project that examines the implications of this particular question. They also have an interesting article on printed, versus on-screen reading. (If you're alergic to irony, please feel free to print the article out.)
I don't know about you, but I do find it a pain in the rear to have to read off a computer screen all day. I feel like computer type makes me tired. Plus, I don't think I could live without trips to the library! (Sorry, I'm a nerd.) But, on the other hand, trees are pretty essential to living as well.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think onscreen reading can ever truly compete with actual paper. When I hold a book, I feel like I own the story - it's mine to enjoy during a free moment and carry with me throughout the day. Stuff on the computer is public property and almost less intimate. Know what I mean, Holmes? Love, an IR Fan
