Complete guidelines below:
Indiana Review's 2008 Poetry Prize Guidelines
$1000 Honorarium and Publication
Final Judge: Naomi Shihab Nye
Reading Fee: $15
Includes a one-year subscription
All entries considered for publication. All entries considered anonymously. Send only three poems per entry.
Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but the entry fee is non-refundable if accepted elsewhere. Multiple submissions are encouraged but a separate reading fee is required for each additional set of three poems.
Further, IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University. In addition, IR cannot consider work from anyone who is a current or former student of the prize judge. We also will not consider work from anyone who is a personal friend of the judge.
Entrant’s name should appear ONLY on the printable entry form. If desired, include self-addressed stamped envelope for notification. Manuscripts will not be returned. Make checks payable to Indiana Review.
Each fee entitles entrant to a one-year subscription, an extension of a current subscription, or a gift subscription. Please indicate your choice and enclose complete address information for
subscriptions. Overseas addresses, please add $12 for postage ($7 for addresses in Canada). Please note that in accordance with Indiana University policy, we cannot accept money orders or accept checks from non-US banks.
International contestants may pay online here (for more detailed instructions, click here).
To use our printable entry form, click here
Poetry Prize
Indiana Review
Ballantine Hall 465
1020 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Bloomington, IN
Naomi Shihab Nye's most recent books are You and Yours and I'll Ask You Three Times, Are You OK? She has written or edited more than twenty-five other books.
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