Monday, July 21, 2008

Talking Book

Our third winner this month is Noah from Pittsburgh, PA who correctly identified the drummer of this song --Superstition by Stevie Wonder on the album Talking Book--as none other than Stevie Wonder himself! Not only did Wonder write, arrange and produce Talking Book, he is also credited with the vocals, guitar, keyboards, synthesizer, bass, drums, and percussion. All at 22 years old!

Noah's been looking for our Funk issue in bookstores. If you haven't been able to find us, we've got a handy dandy list the stores that carry us on our website. You can also order us online. Or you can win our next contest...

Another funk contest is just around the corner so stay tuned. Until then, please enjoy this 1972 performance of Superstition on the show that taught me how to read, Sesame Street. (Check out the kid in the red sweater rocking out, that's totally how I learned to dance!)

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