Monday, September 8, 2008

Our starting lineups...

Hey everyone! I'm Ryan Teitman, IR's newly minted Poetry Editor.

I recently watched Bull Durham on DVD, so to put things in perspective, if the IR staff were a minor league baseball team, Jenny would be the gruff but loveable manager who's seen it all, Nina would be the hot-shot pitcher ready to prove herself, Chad would be the infielder with a sixth sense, Andy would be the catcher with an awesome nickname, and I would be the outfielder who keeps a piece of lettuce under his hat to stay cool during summer day games.

Some things you should know about me:
1. I used to be a Philadelphia newspaper reporter before I made my expedition to Indiana.

2. I take my job of reading unsolicited submissions very seriously. I know that submitting to a literary magazine means putting yourself on the line, and I respect everyone who slides their work into an envelope, licks the seal, and sends it off into the world. I'm going to try to get responses to you as quickly as humanly possible. But keep in mind that I am human, and giving every poem the consideration it deserves sometimes takes a bit of time.

3. My favorite cake is carrot cake.

Issue 30.2 is coming together and looking great, so keep your eye out, it's going to be a great year!

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