Monday, May 10, 2010

One More for the Road

Well Blue Light readers, that's it for me--it's last call. My tenure as editor has come to a close. It has been an absolute pleasure working on this journal and working with the very talented Alessandra Simmons, Marcus Wicker, Catalina Bartlett, and Lana Spendl. There are so many things I'm going to miss (hanging out in the office, reading submissions, working with our contributors) but I am eagerly awaiting our newest issue (which should be out in a few weeks! ooooh I'm so excited!) and I'm thrilled that it's summertime!

But before I go, there's one last question that I would like to answer to for y'all. A little bit of backstory: when I first became Associate Editor and began blogging here way back in 2008, I noticed a funny question that always appeared in our Google Analytics (the keywords people type into their search engines to find our blog). It was there the very first week I blogged and it's still there today: What happens to a tomato under a blue light? It's always made me a little sad that there are so many people looking for this answer and came here in vain. But that is the case no longer! According to, "Blue light regulates plant growth, which makes it ideal for growing foliage plants and short, stocky seedlings." So there ya have it--the tomato/blue light mystery solved!

Thank you to everyone who's made my editorship so much fun!
Until we meet again,

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